Understanding Executive Coaching

Excerpt from the article on Positive Psychology:

From the depth of research, we have a better idea of what executive coaching is. Now we can examine the benefits. In an article by Simpson (2010), they found that coachees in positions of leadership experienced a variety of perceived benefits:

  • improved personal skills and behavior
  • more considered work-life balance
  • better decision making
  • improved interpersonal skills
  • better career planning
  • increased confidence
  • enhanced self-awareness

Simpson (20100) following a case study methodology, also determined that the company experienced many benefits. The 2000+ employee company saw the following results:

  • better organizational development
  • increased value for the money spent
  • day-to-day networking and flexibility improved
  • retention of quality team members improved
  • stronger recruiting position due to a perception of valued, strong leadership
  • improved performance
  • better risk management

Bozer & Sarros (2012) state that “executive coaching may be a mechanism by which executives could be helped in improving and maintaining a high level of career satisfaction.”

For more information… (here)