For many women like me, back to school symbolizes two things. On one hand you are extremely excited to have a few moments to breathe in the middle …(Read more) So excited that this blog was published on Sivana East on Sept 13, 2022. These tips are easy and practical tips that you can use in your daily life as …
Feeling Like You Have No Time for Yourself?
Do you find yourself often wishing for the weekend? If you are like many of my clients, you feel excited for the time away from work, but also mildly stressed by the giant to-do list of things you ‘should’ get done battling against the list of what you really want to do on the weekend. Tip 1: Take stock My …
Is Life Coaching Better than Therapy?
I had a consultation recently where the person shared something interesting. They heard on a podcast that Life Coaching was better than Therapy.This deeply resonated with her as she had undergone years of therapy for past challenges and was ready for something different. LISTEN UP – I am not knocking therapy.It is amazing and helps millions of people to heal …
6 Tips to Make Summer Amazing
Are you ready to rock your summer??? Get the most out of this time so you feel refueled and refreshed. Here are my top 6 tips: Be intentional with your time. Take a walk on your lunch break. Create a plan for your vacation that includes dedicated resting time. Think ahead to how you want to feel at the end …
The 2-Minute Transition Tool
Clients continue to share that their stress is on the rise as they face the realities of this post covid working environment. Can you relate to: many on-line meetings, rarely moving from your desk, beginning work earlier and earlier, eating through lunch or not eating at all, working later and later into the evening? Can you relate to feeling stuck …