
Clarify Goals. Create Habits.
Take Action. Experience Success.

Coaching Can Help You Get Clear.
Coaching Can Help You Create Habits.
Coaching Can Help You Take Action.
Coaching Can Help You Get Results.

Coaching supports you to make incredible shifts in your life.

It is like having a guide to go faster, with more efficiency
toward your chosen destination, just like using a GPS in your car.

The sessions are a space which is safe, empowering, inspiring and all about you.
It is my job to help you find your internal strength and to tap into the lessons you have already learned and the solutions that are best for you.

Coaching... Your Goals = Your Agenda.
I simply hold you accountable to what you really want to shift in your life.

Past clients have focused on:
Shifting mindset,  limiting beliefs, stories and negative self talk.
Connecting more deeply to their self love and self care.
Increasing confidence and communication skills.
Deepening their connection to being enough, worthy and loved.
Creating personal plans for performance, time management and organization in their work and life.
Creating an overall wellness plan. Actually make exercise a habit, drinking water a habit, taking supplements a habit, quality sleep a habit. 

Every day you have the opportunity to life an intentional life and perform at a high level.

If you are ready to shift. I am here to be your guide.

 Don't wait for tomorrow. Take Action Now.

Group Coaching

Up Your Health Game - Group Coaching

6 Week - Group Coaching = $120 CAD

▸Time management strategies for health habits

▸Self care routines

▸Health concepts made simple

▸Shed weight by learning what to eat, portion sizes, and more
▸Create long term health habits around sleep, water, movement


Next Session: Fridays at 12:00pm – Nov 13th-Dec 18th

Group Minimum: 4 people

This is for individuals who want:

▸Accountability, knowledge and support
▸6 x 45 minute ZOOM coaching calls
▸Weekly coaching/teaching
▸Health habit challenges
▸Q&A time

Ready to get started? Click here to complete the application.

Apply Now

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching is for professionals, leaders and entrepreneurs who are already successful and want the edge in order to go to the next level in their career and life. 

This can include:

  • Resolving conflicts
  • Leading change
  • Engaging employees
  • Strategic planning
  • Executing efficiently
  • Creating a high performance culture
  • Coaching for growth
  • Leadership development
  • Reframing limiting beliefs
  • Communication gaps
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Can be combined with Life & Wellness Coaching

The first step is to learn more.



Life coaching is for the human who is interested in upleveling and improving the areas in their life that (often) are causing significant stress, overwhelm and frustration.

This can include:

  • Challenges within your spouse, family, or other relationships
  • Unmet expectations
  • Communication issues
  • People pleasing
  • Feeling unworthy, unloved, unappreciated
  • Disconnected from joy, peace and calm
  • Unsure of what to do next in life
  • Accountability around time management and prioritization

The first step is to learn more.



Wellness Coaching is for the human focused on improving the areas that are directly linked to their physical and mental well-being. Work and Life impact our well-being, and are often a component of this coaching.

This can include:

  • Formation of new habits related to wellness
  • Accountability for habits such as portion sizes, water intake, foods consumed, movement moments
  • Uncovering limiting beliefs and rewiring automatic negative thoughts that are causing stress
  • Prioritization and time management
  • Uncovering the blocks holding you back from success

The first step is to learn more.


“First, it is an intention. Then a behaviour. Then a habit. Then a practice. Then a second nature. Then it is simply who you are.”

~ Brendon Burchard

Kind Words From Clients

"Thank you so much for being there for me Amy!! Whenever I feel suffocated - I hold on to my talk with you and look forward to the recharge. You help me see the light and I can better manage my stressors and stress. Thank you. I am a leader... I am inspired... I am ambitious...I am smart. I got this ."

~ Danielle